1.   Pulling the antenna out with your teeth whenever you were going to make a call and pushing it back down with your chin when you were ...

10 Things You'll Definitely Remember Doing If You Had A Flip Phone In The 2000s

1. Pulling the antenna out with your teeth whenever you were going to make a call and pushing it back down with your chin when you were done with the call.

2. Knowing exactly just how to angle your phone in order to capture everyone in a group selfie.

3. Looking for the perfect charm(s) to accessorize your phone with...

4. Answering your phone in a dramatic fashion

5. Dramatically slamming your phone shut when you were over a call.

7. Recording a ringtone you wanted off the radio.

9. If you changed phones often, having a collection of different chargers from all your phones (since none of them ever seemed to be universal).

10. Being able to write the perfect text — that included everything you wanted to say — in 160 characters or less.

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